How Technology Is Changing The Medical Industry

How Technology Is Changing The Medical Industry

One general and expected reaction to change is resistance. Most of the time, it is despised and rejected. Without knowing and understanding how our world gets shaped almost daily by it, we live by the actual topic we have right now through growth, in which we are the perfect example of such an event.

While there is the traditional way and the most effortless of all, we have technology that shapes our lifestyle at an amazingly fast pace. Taking over almost everything, from dealing with daily tasks to transacting globally, technology has made its way into our lives as it makes sure it holds onto our vulnerability towards compliance. New technology is regularly unveiled at tech conferences and digital festivals around the world. Apple releases an updated iPhone every year, computers are constantly updating, and medical equipment is being upgraded regularly.

Realizing how dependent on technology we are slowly becoming, brought about by the COVID-19 aftermath, everything now seems to be running because of the internet, communication, banking, and this includes the medical industry. It has become the new normal, but it was happening way before COVID-19 without us realizing.

An Overview of Medical History

Most doctors practise their profession under oath. They take in patients, provide a consultation, cure, and follow up. For sure, those who have had many experiences through time, may have asked themselves, what exactly are they dealing with? That when they encourage treatment for cancer patients, and these patients say, I will fight cancer, what or who, exactly, are we fighting against? 

While nobody is exempted from dying, man evolved into the species that we are right now. Rational, capable, and logical. From how man was before during the stone age, there was not much knowledge with regards to dealing with sickness. Battles were fought and won, different kinds of injuries, diseases, and plague came to knowledge. And now, that the whole world is dealing with the pandemic, is it through technology that changes have occurred in terms of evolving diseases?

Benefits of Technology

Here are some of the most common benefits:

1. Accuracy – each form of technology was made to set up objective parameters in computing, analyzing, and interpreting. 

2. Timelessness – Operations are performed in the fastest way possible as part of their programming.

3. Concise – Its interpretative abilities were set to be at its simplest. Therefore, one of its advanced capabilities is ensuring that it provides a user-friendly interface.

4. Retrievable – As it performs all the expected operations it is capable of doing, it can save and restore data generated, patterned to how our brain forms a memory.

5. Ability to duplicate – Being a data storage at the same time, it can duplicate files, to reproduce it into something tangible such as documentation, an actual paperwork, and considering today’s 3D printers, a replica of an actual model.

Medical History Shaped Through Technology

Let’s apply those benefits to the technological overview. Overall, technology has been favourable in terms of early detection, data storage, the accuracy of surgeries and educational facilities. Though bioethics is deeply concerned with how it may turn out for human species once technology starts to prevail, it has helped millions of people from all over the world get the job done. Start-up conventions look into new technologies, their pros and cons and how they can evolve our lives for the better.

Stephen Hawking’s situation was almost impossible until the power of technology stepped in. Imagine if there was no technology, such as the time of Florence Nightingale? With the ratio of patients coming into hospitals nowadays, the ideal one nurse to two patient ratios wouldn’t be possible. Not to mention, the impact of technology on the development of drugs is undeniably significant. 


What can we say, technology has created some great changes in the medical industry. While some consequences may exist, this heightens our learning curve and makes it a part of growth. Technology is now an integral part of the holistic approach, and patients of the modern world are experiencing the privilege.

Lifestyle Technology